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Elf in a Jar


Today was a landmark day in the history of our Elf on the Shelf, i.e., Snowflake. That’s because, for the first time ever, Snowflake left the house. Oh, sure, he leaves every Christmas Eve (when I gleefully shove him back into the cupboard in the basement) before magically reappearing the day after Thanksgiving…(Read More)

It’s not my birthday as you might guess, not Christmas or New Year’s, or even Super Bowl Sunday. It’s not when we spring ahead, or welcome summer, or cheer the arrival of fall. No, my favorite day is Christmas Tree Picking Day. Every year after Thanksgiving, we drive to that farm up…(Read More)

The following is an account from back in 2010, when I went on a ghost hunt in Gettysburg with members of Robert Morris University’s Civil War Club. I thought it would be a fun thing to share again around the Halloween holiday. Enjoy… Farnsworth House Inn, Gettysburg – May 5, 2010, 8:30 p.m…(Read More)

Today might have been one of the last really warm and sunny days of the year. Therefore I decided to get away from my desk, get outside, and go to a place that never fails to make me happy: the cemetery. The Beaver Cemetery & Mausoleum (aka the Beaver Cemetery, Mausoleum, and Fitness Center to…(Read More)

Beaver Falls, Pa. (Note: Instead of bogging down my blog with scads of large photos, I’ve uploaded them to my Flickr page for your viewing pleasure.) For the second stop in my Exploring Beaver County blog series, I hopped on my bike and pedaled my way over the Beaver River, twice, to the City…(Read More)

It’s a never-ending battle. Just when you think you have them beat, they magically reappear. And in greater numbers. The thing I want to know is…where in the heck are they coming from? Ever since we got back from our little mini-vacation to Maine last week, we’ve been at war…(Read More)

15 days. 8 states. 2 kids. 1 car. Whose idea was this anyway? Actually, our annual family road-trip turned out to be another amazing adventure. This year we decided to tour the great American southeast, heading out from Beaver, Pa., through Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and West Virginia. Along…(Read More)

Ah, summertime… The long, warm days! The weekend BBQs! The kids coming inside to tattle on each other every five minutes and argue about who gets which lightsaber! I admit it. I was so looking forward to the end of the school year. I was tired of making lunches. I was tired of helping with…(Read More)

So they tell me today is “Take Your Kid to Work Day.” This actually worked out well, since my kids didn’t have school today. (Actually, I think that may be the reason they didn’t have school today.) Anywho… Considering that my so called “place of work” is also my “place of sleep”, “place…(Read More)

So I’ve been listening to a lot of Bigfoot podcasts lately. Betcha never heard anyone say that before. My favorite one is SasWhat: A Podcast about Bigfoot. I like it because it has a good mixture of both the serious and not-so-serious sides of Bigfoot. That and I like the cricket sound…(Read More)